


Frederick Presti invented and patented the seamless retread envelope in 1975 and it’s still arguably the most widely used envelope in the world.

For over 35 years, Presti has been producing innovative products, which have set new performance standards for enveloping technology. Presti has been awarded 9 U.S. Patents.

Presti Industries continues to re-engineer the Presti envelope, making it significantly lighter and more durable, and easier to use. We believe it is the most cost-effective enveloping solution available.

Today, Bridgestone-Bandag®, Goodyear®, Marangoni®, and Michelin® all use enveloping technology developed by Presti.


Your Vote Counts! Presti is nominated for Best Retreading Accessory and Consumables Supplier. We kindly ask for your support by casting your vote here.



Browse Presti News

2025 Recircle Awards – Vote for Presti!

3 February 2025

We kindly ask for your support by casting your vote here: Presti Industries is honored to have been recently nominated for the 2025 Recircle Awards for the Best Retreading Accessory and Consumables Supplier. Click here to learn more about the Retreading Business Recircle Awards 2025 Shortlist. We are excited to inform you we are launching several new and improved products in 2025. 

PX2 SureSeal System – Setting 14 New Industry Standards – NOW AVAILABLE!

2 February 2025

The Presti Industries PX2 SureSeal System is easier to use, designed for durability, and outperforms the competition. The new Longer Rails and Zero Pivot Point Hole makes it easier to install the SureSeal Rubber Ring. It also has a new Auto-Stop feature to keep the PX2 in the proper working range and SureSeal Rubber Ring properly engaged throughout the entire retreading process. The new GO / NO-GO Gauge provides visual


Presti Industries provides innovative enveloping solutions to the retreading industry. Please complete the form to receive additional information about Presti products. We look forward to hearing from you.


841 Nina Way, Unit 2, Warminster, PA 18974

+001 215-444-9901