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PX2 SureSeal System – NOW AVAILABLE

The second-generation PX2 SureSeal System is easier to use and will outperform Presti’s original SRX SureSeal Rings. The PX2 SureSeal System has an improved working range, making installing the SureSeal Rubber Seal easier. It also has a new Auto-Stop feature to keep the PX2 in the proper working range, keeping it engaged throughout the entire retreading process. The PX2 has an integrated GO / NO-GO Gauge, giving the operator visual

Presti’s E-Series Envelope – NOW AVAILABLE

Presti’s new E-Series Envelope delivers performance and excellent acquisition value. We have been setting industry performance standards for enveloping technology for over 50 years. Today, Bridgestone-Bandag, Goodyear, and Michelin all use envelope technology developed by Presti. Presti sets the performance, quality, and value standards for sealing systems.

Presti Envelope Lube Station – NOW AVAILABLE

The Envelope Lube Station (ELS) is a spray system that lubricates envelopes quickly and easily during retreading. The ELS is a non-pressure vessel system, making it very safe.  It uses the premixed Presti Envelope Lubricant (PEL) specifically engineered to extend envelope performance. PEL is a water-based non-hazardous formula engineered with a non-gloss, matte finish, enhanced slip, and antistick. To apply a smooth and even coat of envelope lubricant, pull the



The envelope barcode tag serializes the envelope with a unique identification.  The barcode can be used to provide envelope performance data and traceability for quality control systems.  The barcode tag uses a 128 Code and is human readable.  All of Presti outside envelopes come standard with a barcode tag at no additional cost.


Presti Industries SureSeal Rimless System is superior by design. The SureSeal Rubber Ring is seamlessly molded and form fits the bead area of the tire for a SureSeal. Designed to be 100% compatible with the industry’s most popular rimless system and outperforms the competition in both low and high-temperature systems. The SureSeal Rimless System increases productivity, envelope life, and our customers’ bottom line. Sizes available: 24.5/24.0 • 22.5/22.0 • 20.0


Presti’s new M23 envelope sets a new performance standard.  Presti’s re-engineered envelopes are significantly lighter than the originals. We increased the elastic properties and made it easier to use without sacrificing durability. We also improved its thermal conductive properties decreasing the time to transfer heat during the curing process. We optimized our envelope sizing to deliver a superior fit while minimizing inventory requirements of different sizes. All Presti envelopes come