Tag Archives: prestiindustries

PX2 SureSeal System – Setting 14 New Industry Standards – NOW AVAILABLE!

The Presti Industries PX2 SureSeal System is easier to use, designed for durability, and outperforms the competition. The new Longer Rails and Zero Pivot Point Hole makes it easier to install the SureSeal Rubber Ring. It also has a new Auto-Stop feature to keep the PX2 in the proper working range and SureSeal Rubber Ring properly engaged throughout the entire retreading process. The new GO / NO-GO Gauge provides visual

Presti’s E-Series Envelope – NOW AVAILABLE

Presti’s new E-Series Envelope delivers performance and excellent acquisition value. We have been setting industry performance standards for enveloping technology for over 50 years. Today, Bridgestone-Bandag, Goodyear, and Michelin all use envelope technology developed by Presti. Presti sets the performance, quality, and value standards for sealing systems. To learn more, contact Darryl Presti today at: darryl@presti-industries.com

ELS Envelope Lube Station Extends Envelope Performance – NOW AVAILABLE!

Presti Industries is an approved envelope manufacturer/supplier for Bridgestone Bandag®, Goodyear®, Marangoni®, and Michelin®.

Presti Industries Establishes a New Industry Standard…The SRX SureSeal Rubber Ring

Presti Industries is an approved envelope manufacturer/supplier for Bridgestone Bandag®, Goodyear®, Marangoni®, and Michelin®.