We kindly ask for your support by casting your vote here: https://recircleawards.com/categories-2025/ Presti Industries is honored to have been recently nominated for the 2025 Recircle Awards for the Best Retreading Accessory and Consumables Supplier. Click here to learn more about the Retreading Business Recircle Awards 2025 Shortlist. We are excited to inform you we are launching several new and improved products in 2025.
Presti Industries was recently nominated for the 2023 Recircle Awards “Industry Achievement Award for the Tyre Retreading Sector” for the historical development of the seamless retread envelope. We are excited to be nominated for this prestigious and coveted award by Retreading Business, a global retreading and tyre industry trade publication, Below please find a short clip of the announcement:
Presti Industries is honored to have been recently nominated for the 2023 Recircle Awards’ Industry Achievement Award for the Tyre Retreading Sector. The award is in recognition of outstanding performance and contribution in this field specifically for Presti Industries’ historic development of the seamless retread envelope.
Presti Industries is honored to have been recently nominated for the 2022 Recircle Awards – Best Retreading Accessory and Consumables category. This award recognizes the best supplier of accessories and/or consumables for the tire retreading industry in terms of innovation, product quality, and service. We at Presti Industries are proud that our team is being recognized in this category. We appreciate your support and ask if you could please consider